PFAC Announces First Executive Director!

The Board of Partnerships for Affordable Cohousing (PFAC) is excited to announce that Wendy Wiesner has agreed to serve as our first Executive Director!

Wendy is widely known for her commitment to and promotion of cohousing. As a PFAC Board member, she has spent much of her time connecting with and assisting forming and expanding communities as well as supporting cohousing developers and architects. She has also been instrumental in identifying and building relationships with potential sources of funding for affordable and mixed-income cohousing communities. This summer, she moderated a stimulating and extremely informative workshop on affordability to a standing-room-only audience at the national 2015 CohoUS Conference in Durham, NC.

We anticipate that having an Executive Director–and Wendy, in particular–will greatly expand the capacity of PFAC to make cohousing more affordable.

or more about Wendy and her new role, see her welcome letter and 2015 CohoUS Conference Presentation at and her bio on the Organization page of our web site.

Please join us in welcoming our new Executive Director!


Rick Keller, President

Partnerships for Affordable Cohousing

Category: History

Tags: Affordability, cohousing

Views: 558

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