Tag: Garden

Forming in a Pandemic

Who could have predicted a pandemic, right? I mean, we all know that unexpected things will come up when you are working on a project as big as a cohousing community, but a pandemic? How on earth do you do any marketing when you can’t meet with people? That is the dilemma we find ourselves... Read More

Addressing Climate Change: Two Generations at Heart-Culture Farm Community

Reprinted from Communities Magazine Spring 2017 “I want to do something about climate change,” my 12-year-old daughter insisted. The immediacy of her feelings, and her earnest belief that she, personally, could do something momentous left me momentarily speechless. I remember that same urgency in myself as a teenager, before I realized the complexity of the... Read More

Not on everyone’s map

True story: for three years my wife and I looked for a small town to call home. People thought we were crazy to leave Portland, Oregon where we had met, married, and gave birth to our precious son. The ever-growing popularity, the crowds, the traffic, the ever-escalating prices, the pace in Portland all motivated us.... Read More