Volunteering for the National Cohousing Conference

Volunteering with the 2015 National Cohousing Conference is a great way to get involved and contribute your talents – and our success is dependent on your voluntary contributions. The following leadership positions will convey complimentary registration if needed (we are unable to provide transportation and lodging). Numerous assistant roles are available, and may convey complimentary registration without meals (meals can be purchased). These positions and responsibilities will evolve and grow as we identify

Please contact us https://www.cohousing.org/contact to share your interest.

Conference Volunteer Leadership Positions, many of which need Volunteer Assistants:

Logistics of Conference Space and Presenter Assistance Coordinator

Confirm material and support needs for each presenter

Help recruit and assign volunteers to assist presenters as needed

Work with ED to assign conference space for all program and networking offerings

Work with marketing volunteers to ensure correct signage for presentations

Work with marketing volunteers to create a summary of locations for all offerings to be distributed to registrants

Collaborate with registration volunteers to determine the best flow

Ideally be a local Durhamite who can visit the Conference Center to make the best decisions about location and flow

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management from Friday morning through Sunday noon

Additional volunteers will be assigned to assist

Exhibitor Coordinator

Engaging exhibitors to determine needs and provide support

Determine who is staffing tables, and ensure they are registered

Plan where the tables will be located, i.e., who is assigned to what space

Assist in planning table space that is shared by sponsors

Coordinate with hotel to set up tables

Research and order additional tables as needed

Ensure security for exhibitors

Plan for appropriate signage for exhibitor space

Ensure exhibitors are packed up by 1:00 pm on Sunday

Requires on-site management from Friday morning until Sunday noon

Two or more additional “exhibitor assistants” could be assigned

Presenter A/V & Supplies Coordinator

Engage presenters to determine needs and provide support

As appropriate, assign volunteers to partner with presenters

Arrange for materials to be copied and delivered

Order and manage A/V equipment

As appropriate, assign volunteers to rooms to manage A/V and other needs during the conference

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management from Friday morning until Sunday morning

Several “presenter & A/V assistants” will be assigned

Registration Coordinator(s) – to work with Registrars Catya Belfer and Peter Lazar

Manage on-site registration of all participants

Assist in online registration system use and management

Seek out and make available in coordination with conference staff/volunteers helpful registration materials

Set up registration table Friday morning, and break down on Sunday morning

Plan for early registration at Durham Coho on Thursday

Be familiar with the conference offerings and locations to assist participants

Several registration staffers will be assigned

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management from Friday morning through Sunday morning

“Cohousing Connector” Booth Coordinator

Set up and manage an exhibit table offering cohousing resources

Seek out and prepare materials for exhibiting

Arrange for table to be staffed by knowledgeable cohousing professionals or cohousers [this is a marketing opportunity for professionals]

Proactively serve as a connector and clearinghouse

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management from Friday afternoon through Sunday noon

Volunteer booth staffers to be assigned

Media Coordinator

Seek out and secure earned media about the conference and cohousing towards (1) raising visibility and educating the public and (2) promoting attendance at the conference

Prepare and distribute press release and press announcement

Seek out interview opportunities for cohousing movers and shakers with local and regional press, e.g.,

Katie McCamant interview by NPR’s Frank Stasio in Chapel Hill; keynote Mike Ortosky interview with

Raleigh News & Observer; co-chair Doug Henderson-James with Durham Independent.

Work with staff/volunteers to incorporate earned media in promotions and Coho/US website resources.

Invite select media to attend the conference, and coordinate their participation

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site availability to coordinate media

Additional volunteers could be assigned to assist

Social Media & Blog Coordinator

Utilize social media tools to promote the conference and cohousing towards (1) raising visibility and educating the public and (2) increasing attendance at the conference

Recruit folks to blog about the sessions, event and networking while at the conference, and post on

Coho/US website and social media

Requires pre-conference planning and involvement during the conference

Additional volunteers could be assigned to assist

Friday Dinner & Keynote Event Planning

Work with catering staff to select the menu, ensuring vegetarian and/or vegan entre choice(s), and gluten-free items, and locally sourced food if feasible

Work with Coho/US staff to determine quantity for restricted food needs

Plan for a cash bar

Plan optimal room set up, including reserve table for presenters

Coordinate with Coho/US board to plan the program and provide support to keynote Mike Ortosky

Manage special requests

Requires pre-conference planning on on-site management on Friday

Additional volunteers could be assigned to support

Networking Manager

Engage the hosts for the networking opportunities and gatherings to identify needs and ensure adequate support

Provide supplies and materials if needed

Help promote these opportunities before and during the conference

Encourage collection of emails for folks attending the gatherings and interested in continued networking

Create a mechanism to connect and sign up people interested in dining out together on Saturday evening, after the reception, including offering local eatery choices collected in a handout provided by the

Durham Convention & Visitor’s Bureau

As appropriate, assign volunteers to assist with select networking events

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management from Friday afternoon through Sunday noon

Additional volunteers will be assigned to assist

Boxed Lunch Coordinator

Work with the Convention Center to select the menu for and determine quantity of boxed lunches for conference registrants for Saturday lunch

Ensure availability of rooms for registrants to eat their boxed lunch, and have that information readily available, including choice of networking, viewing video show, attending CRN’s survey presentation, or foregoing boxed lunch in favor of local food trucks at ongoing Durham Farmer’s Market

Work with Intensive presenters or their assigned volunteers to determine quantity and select the menu for boxed lunches including (1) project mgmt 101 (2) Sociocracy (3) Cohousing Research Network and (4) embracing the natural aging process

Reach out to engage participants registered for ½ day Intensives if they would like to order a boxed lunch and arrange for this

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management from Friday afternoon through Sunday noon

Additional volunteers could be assigned to assist

Community Slide Show & Tell Manager

Recruit and engage cohousing communities to participate in a slide show & tell event on Friday and/or

Saturday evening

Create a plan how best to establish this entertaining opportunity

Coordinate with A/V manager and space staff to have rooms set up and available

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management Friday and Sat evenings

Volunteer Coordinator

Recruit local and national volunteers

Interview each potential volunteer, and record collected data

Connect volunteers to coordinators as appropriate, and track assignments

Communicate with coordinators as to needs and the adequacy of their volunteer force

Communicate with all volunteers to ensure they are kept informed about the conference and their duties, and motivated

Post-conference, thank volunteers, and document assignments

Saturday Reception Coordinator

Requires pre-conference planning and on-site management Saturday afternoon through evening

Additional volunteers will be assigned to assist


These positions and responsibilities will evolve and grow as we identify and refine needs.

Please contact us https://www.cohousing.org/contact to share your interest.

Category: Past Events

Tags: Conference

Views: 1299

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