Welcome to Beta

Welcome to the BETA of our new website!
Our classified ads aren’t quite ready for prime time, but everything else you are looking for should be here. Find something that doesn’t make sense? Something that breaks in your web browser? Something missing? Please let me know. Have you seen something you think should be on the site? Please do tell me, and I’ll see about adding it
If you’d like to help out, I’m looking for someone(s) to help bring in the rest of the sample policies we have available as resources for groups creating and living in cohousing. You don’t need to be a technical whiz, just fairly comfortable with it all.
If you ARE a technical whiz, I’m looking for help recreating http://s878506846.onlinehome.us/directory/map – it pulls data from ic.org to display communities on the map.
Thanks for all your support.

Category: CohoUS

Tags: Coho/US

Views: 3587

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