Faces Not Fenders: Cohousing in The Good Trade
“5 Reasons To Consider Joining A Cohousing Community” in The Good Trade is this week’s take on the benefits of cohousing, written by a member of Fair Oaks EcoHousing.
This blog’s aim is to search for ideas creating positive social change. Certainly fitting to count cohousing in this category, as our communities are ideal social laboratories for bubbling up great conversations about sustainable living, and partnering with our neighbors allows us to build a more conscious lifestyle together.
“Ever been ready to bake a cake and realized you’re one stick of butter short, meaning a 20-minute drive to the store? In cohousing, your neighbor will probably have both butter and some baking advice.
To the people who create cohousing, they join an active and involved community of neighbors layered over a strong social fabric…”
Read the full article on The Good Trade.
Category: Why
Tags: living in cohousing, News, Stories
Views: 843