I’ve lived in cohousing for 14 years. Here’s why I never want to live elsewhere.
Great article on cohousing’s benefits from a long-time resident, published in Business Insider last week.
“At our condo complex, we live a completely different lifestyle. It’s common for neighbors to bring dinner to a table on the patio and eat together. We often pop into each other’s homes to borrow something, to ask a question, or just to say hi.
Our relationships extend beyond civility: My cohousing mates and I attend each other’s parties, graduation ceremonies, and recitals. We celebrate new spouses, babies, and businesses, and offer comfort after the loss of a job or a loved one.
This is cohousing. I’ve lived here for 14 years, and I hope I never live anywhere else.”
Read the full article here.
Category: Why
Tags: living in cohousing, Stories
Views: 1429