Tag: Budget

But it’s not in our budget!

One of the great things about cohousing is that we budget for things we value and tend to get more for our money that way.  Every community budget works a little differently, and some have more flex than others, but at the end of the day, I’m betting every community has had the experience of... Read More

Webchat #34 Budget Process

Do you ever wish you could skip all the trial and error and just get to the process that really works? Mac Thomson offers that opportunity in our latest WebChat, as least when it comes to budget process. Mac has led the budget process for Heartwood Cohousing for many years. He shares actual examples of... Read

Cohousing Costs After You Move In: Part II Findings of the Study

Part I of this series described how Coho/US and CRN have co-ventured research into the annual budgets of cohousing communities; obtained the annual budgets of 20 communities comprising 611 units; and analyzed these budget materials to help develop some consistent interpretations of community budgeting practices. In this Part II, we present some of the actual... Read More

Cost of Living in Cohousing – Data Solicitation

Cohousing Friends — Coho Cost of Living Data Solicitation. Back in November, we announced that the Cohousing Research Network (CRN) and CohoUS are collaborating on a “cost of living in cohousing” research project. Since then, we’ve received useful and interesting responses from more than a dozen communities. Who knew, for instance, that annual per-unit dues... Read More

Reserve Study Webinar Jan 25, 2017

For those interested in the Reserve Study webinar hosted by National Condo Advisors, please follow these instructions: Please register for Reserve Study-Why Every Community NEEDS One!! on Jan 25, 2017 2:00 PM EST at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4766942937729361410 Not all reserve studies are created equal. Learn the importance of obtaining and updating a reserve study for your commun

Reserve Studies and Why Every Project Needs One!

Editor’s Note: Learn more from a webinar on reserve studies we are planning with National Condo Advisors for January 2017; and at the 2017 National Cohousing Conference, where Darlene, and cohousers Sharon Villines and Lyons Witten will be presenting about reserve studies. Also at the conference, National Condo Advisors will be exhibiting as part of... Read More

Cohousing Costs Exactly the Same as “Regular” Housing

Philip Dowds is responding to a coho-l inquiry: is cohousing really a lot more expensive than a similar but bigger house in a somewhat equivalent middle or slightly upper-middle class neighborhood? I always look at this one differently: Cohousing costs exactly the same as “regular” housing. Turn the question around: How much housing can we... Read More