Tag: Culture-shift

Why Diversity?

I’ve been in a lot of conversations about race in various ways, and in particular about racism in cohousing. Somewhere amidst all the conversations, it occurred to me to ask a question I haven’t been hearing. Why do communities want to be diverse? Which led to: What do we mean when we say it? and... Read More
A Cultural Awareness, D&I Links Menu, & Q&A for Your Community, Org., Family & Individual Transformation  Note: Your 5 Listening/Action Questions are at the very end of this extensive Menu. Here are 3 steps to transformative Allyship and D&I for any org., group, familyor individual, no matter what your culture, background or experience is: 1—Review... Read More

Webchat #30 Conflict as Growth

Karen Gimnig was with us for a WebChat last week with a new look at conflict in community and in life.  While conflict is not always welcome and rarely easy, she suggested that we can embrace conflict as an opportunity to grow.  Conflict arises when something in us that is ready to grow, or finish... Read

WebChat #21 Addressing Racism and Working for Racial Equality

Joe Cole joined us this evening for a thought-provoking presentation on Addressing Racism and Working for Racial Equality in Community Building. Joe started with a long view of history, noting that the competitive culture of domination is recent, only 5000 years. Prior to that human cultures were collaborative, demonstrating that a cultural values of sustainability,... Read More

I’m Not a Racist, But Racism is in Me

Below is an excerpt from a Communities Magazine article. Read the full article at https://www.ic.org/im-not-a-racist-but-racism-is-in-me-and-in-my-community/ Author Joe Cole will be presenting at the National Cohousing Conference in Portland this June. A few years ago I attended a film showing at a restaurant in Durham, North Carolina. Seventy people turned out to watch the film, which... Read More

WebChat #13 with Yana Ludwig

Yana Ludwig’s second WebChat was another great success. This time she tackled the topic of Cooperative Culture, giving us 6 of her 10 strategies for being effective in cooperative governance. Yana begins with an introduction to the extremes of the cooperative spectrum and the dangers of overcompensating. Then she guides us toward balance in the... Read More

Getting from “Gotta Have” to “Community First”

Cohousing community members begin with some basic assumptions. We expect to do some downsizing. We know we will be sharing space and will need to make some comprises about how we use that space. We plan to reduce our impact on the planet and increase our social connections. These tend to be shared assumptions and... Read More

WebChat#6: Facilitation Techniques

In our most recent WebChat, Alan O’Hashi shared techniques for facilitation in consensus cohousing groups. His approach is to shift from the transactional methods common in the greater culture, to methods focused on transformation. Watch the video at this link: https://youtu.be/ZQnz8X_7DME Alan gives detailed explanations and interesting stories that demonstrate four major strategies for fac

Thoughts on American Cohousing and Being the First in Nevada

While tackling the long and sometimes daunting list of tasks required to start a cohousing group, I draw daily upon every prayer, affirmation and inner trick I know to keep the faith and grow the vision. As our core group grows closer, steadily inching toward this goal, we fine-tune ways to share the vision with... Read More

Cooperative Culture Revisited

Today I’m blowing on the coals of an exchange I had right before Thanksgiving with my friend, who offered the reflections below on my blog of Nov 20, 2016 Defining Cooperative Culture. As I am taking a few days off work, I thought I would comment on your latest very interesting blog. I think you... Re